Plate of Vitamins

The Vitamins and Supplements You Should Be Taking

I’ve noticed a trend: from beauty blogger to wellness blogger, it seems everyone is taking collagen. Hyperaware, I’ve notice that collagen is everywhere: from target to whole foods. Even Anthropologie is carrying collagen in their new “wellness” section.

My issue? There isn’t any scientific study that shows that taking collagen actually does anything!

Of course, if you can find some proof I’d be happy to read it!

The market is saturated with vitamins and supplements that we’re lead to think we should be taking if we want to live a long, healthy, wrinkle-free life… but are these products for real? 

We have a habit of running to the store to buy the next miracle pill or powder, without actually doing the necessary research to determine if they actually do anything, not to mention whether they have any potentially dangerous side effects.

Ok then, so what vitamins and supplements should you be taking?


Talk to Your Doctor

The very first thing you should do before taking anything is talk to your doctor. Their advice should be backed by science. Your doctor will probably run a vitamin deficiency test, which will give her a good idea of what you’re lacking or what you’re low on.

Talk to your doctor about any weird things happening with your body that could be a result of a deficiency.

For example: I was getting a tingling sensation in my face, almost like my lips and cheeks were falling asleep!

After my annual checkup, I tested as having extremely low vitamin b12 levels, which is quite common in a vegetarian. After doing a little research, I realized one of the side effects of having a b12 deficiently is the tingling feeling!

My doctor recommended that I have a monthly vitamin b12 shot, which I supplement with daily tablets. Now that I am aware of the side effects, I can notice if I’ve been slacking on taking my vitamins!


Do Your Research

Your doctor will be most familiar with vitamins, but there are plenty of other supplements on the market that you may be enticed to take.

Again, talk to your doctor first before taking anything.

Before you make any purchase, increase your understanding of the supplement by doing a little research. Try to find an actual study from a reputable science journal or research-focused university that supports the claims of the wellness industry.

Gain an understanding of how the supplement works, as well as any potentially dangerous side effects. Then determine if you still think that the supplement is for you.

Vitamins & Supplements that Require Extra Caution

Vitamins are either fat-soluble (ex: A, E, D & K) or water-soluble (ex: C & B); this is an important difference to know.

Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in our body. Instead, our body takes what it needs and flushes the rest out with our urine. You don’t really want to take more than your body needs, because your body will need to process it before it can dispose of the excess, but there is less risk of taking too much.

Talk to your doctor to determine what your right daily dose should be.

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by the fat in your body and stored in your body tissues and liver. These vitamins can remain in your body for several months, depending on how much your body is using. If you are taking too much of these vitamins, they can actually build up in your body and become toxic! It is really important to understand exactly what your body needs before taking large doses of any fat-soluble vitamin!

Hormone influencing supplements

It’s one thing to add a dehydrated, Amazonian fruit powder to your morning smoothie; most likely you’re just getting a higher does of vitamin C or something. It another to be taking hormone influencing supplements. These guys can have some serious side effects, particularly with certain types of medication. Before taking any herbal supplement, talk to your doctor and do some of your own research.

Also, these supplements are often taken to reduce cortisol levels cause by stress. If you are concerned, your doctor can actually do a few different tests to determine if you have an unhealthy level if cortisol. To reduce your cortisol levels, you can also make a few changes to your daily routine: consider taking a yoga class, incorporating mediation into your day, finding a hobby you enjoy and find relaxing, getting a massage, or laughing with friends. All of these activities will help to lower your cortisol levels by reducing stress.


Don’t Confuse External versus Internal Compounds

We often hear that to have youthful, plump skin we need collagen, hyaluronic acid, etc, so we’re often lead to believe that taking them as supplements we can boost our skin’s health. However, anything we ingest is broken down and processed by our digestive system, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that the compound will remain in a form that will benefit our skin!

If you want the benefits of hyaluronic acid, then you should use it topically in your skin care routine. If you have questions about what your skincare routine should consist of, including what supplements you should be taking to really boost your radiance, talk to your dermatologist. They can suggest treatments that will boot your collagen levels.


Pay Attention to Your Body

If you do choose to take a new supplement, pay attention to your body. How is it reacting?

This is two fold because you can have negative (or positive) symptoms in the way you feel, but you can also react through your skin.

For example: if I take a zinc tablet on an empty stomach, I feel nauseous, without fail. At the same time, I notice fewer breakouts when I take zinc. I try to take a low dose with food, and not necessarily daily.

If you want to try taking collagen, and you’ve read up on the research and side effects, and your doctor has said ok, then take collagen! Do you notice a difference in your skin and hair? If not, maybe you don’t actually need to be taking it!


I have definitely falling for health trends in the past, but I’m trying to be smarter about my wellness decisions. I’d love to hear how you determine what supplements are right for you? Is there a wellness trend that you’ve tried and decided just didn’t work? I’d love to hear about it!


The post The Vitamins and Supplements You Should Be Taking first appeared on An Olive a Day

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