AOAD Green Detox Smoothie

Green Detox Smoothie with Ginger & Lemon

In my last post, I mentioned that I’m doing a bit of a detox to jolt myself back into a healthy routine. I typically do a few intensely healthy days after a really busy stretch of time where I’ve struggled to stay on track.

My routine includes a few “detox” smoothies that I love to have early in the morning. Starting the day off right makes sticking to a regime so much easier. Plus, if I happen to have a grilled cheese or something less-than-perfect for dinner, I feel way less guilty when I know I’ve already eaten a decent dose of veggies!

This green smoothie is one of my all time favorites because it’s easy to whip up and it’s packed with good for you ingredients.

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Here’s why I created this recipe:

  • Kale and apple provide fiber that will help clean out the system. Think of fiber as nature’s scrub brush, cleaning up your intestines.
  • The watercress and apple provide a little boost for the liver, helping it to flush out toxins more efficiently.
  • The kale, moringa, lemon, and spirulina work to reduce inflammation. They are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Spirulina has loads of vegan protein and amino acids.

Basically, the combination of these ingredients is really wonderful!

This smoothie definitely comes out as a juice-like smoothie. The apple and greens create a fluffy pulp-like texture, which eventually separates from the juice. If you’d like a green juice without buying a juicer, this is a great way to do it.

However, the pulp is a good source of fiber and super beneficial to our health, so I encourage you to keep it.

To prep the kale and watercress, I always soak them in water to remove any dirt or sand. I dry each bunch of greens in a salad spinner, wrap them in paper towel, and store in a vegetable bag or a container.

They stay fresh all week, meaning I can use them in my morning smoothie for several days.

Here’s what you need:

AOAD Green Detox Smoothie

½ cup of fresh kale

½ cup of fresh watercress

1 firm apple – with the peel – chopped into pieces

Juice from ½ a lemon

½ a thumb of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped

¼ teaspoon of moringa powder

¼ teaspoon of spirulina powder

1 cup of ice water *  (I fill a cup about ¾ the way with ice and then fill it with water)


Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend!

What is your favorite way to detox?

AOAD Green Detox Smoothie

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