Brussels Sprouts at Sunrise

Brussels Sprouts at Sunrise Smoothie

Brussels sprouts are everywhere this time of year. They sell them on the stalk, almost like a flower arrangement deserving to be placed in a fancy foyer.

After months void of sprouts, it’s tempting to buy Brussels in bulk!

The problem is… sometimes you’re left with way too many! I mean, how many days in a row can you realistically eat Brussels sprouts (…if they aren’t roasted in balsamic with a touch of blue cheese)?

By now you know my solution for an abundance of fresh produce. Normally I’d throw these babies in my garden smoothie and call it a day, but I wanted to experiment with something a bit different

It took me a few tries to get a smoothie that was tasty, but also had the texture I was looking for. Using banana is an easy way to “mask” stronger flavors, but sometimes the texture is too thick and creamy.

Adding the orange added a lovely morning burst of flavor while creating the texture I was looking for.

I don’t typically use that many oranges. I love their juice, but I’ve never been a huge fan of eating the actual fruit. Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, so they’re actually a healthy addition.

With the creamy banana and milk, I tried to create somewhat of a creamsicle vibe, hence the vanilla.

Lastly, adding the chlorella was just as much for color as it was for nutrients. This smoothie would be a really strange pale green if it weren’t for the chlorella.

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So… ready to try some Brussels sprouts at sunrise?

This is how I made it:

Brussels Sprouts at Sunrise


1 frozen banana

1 orange

1 cup Brussels sprouts (sliced into quarters)

1/4 teaspoon of chlorella powder

¼ teaspoon of good quality vanilla

1 cup of your favorite “milk”



A note on the Brussels sprouts: the sprouts that I used were blanched in boiling water for a few minutes to soften them up. However, if you have a powerful blender you don’t need to blanch the sprouts.

Using a sharp knife, cut the skin off of the orange and then cube the fruit. Break the banana into quarters.

Combine all of the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy your morning!


Have you experimented with Brussels sprouts in smoothies? What is your favorite combination?


Brussels Sprouts at Sunrise

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