Cleaning Spray

Green Cleaning (with Recipes!)

I started making my own cleaning products for a variety of reasons. It was a few years ago, I was in a tiny apartment in New York, and I had bottles and bottles of cleaning supplies. I had the spray for the shower, the toilet, the kitchen counter, and the all-purpose spray.

I wasn’t able to get through any of the bottles because the apartment was so small! I felt guilty about all of the plastic I had, especially when it started to look old and grubby.

When I did clean, the smell lingered. I felt like I was breathing in fumes that weren’t healthy, which then led me to think about where the products were going once I washed them down the drain!

Lastly, I didn’t really know what the products actually did! Did I need a specialty spray if all I wanted to do was wipe down the counters? I didn’t want to use a heavy disinfectant; I’ve always felt that being too clean causes just as many problems as being dirty. So I started to do a little research…

Are Green Products Better

These days, it’s pretty easy to go “green.” Because the demand is so high, green cleaning products are readily available (big stores like Target & Bed Bath and Beyond carry green cleaning products). So, are they actually better?

After doing some research I found that, although generic cleaning products are not harmful in small quantities, green products are safer. Not just for your health, but they’re much better for the environment as well. Companies like Seventh Generation and Method exclude chemicals that have known toxicities to humans and to the environment.

I began to replace my conventional cleaning products with the green versions.

I noticed a difference. My skin didn’t react as harshly so I didn’t need to wear gloves. I had fewer accidental bleach spots on my clothes. When I cleaned, my nose didn’t sting from breathing in the chemicals and my apartment smelt refreshing.

Maybe I’m sensitive, but I really did feel like green was better.

Making My Own Cleaners

Going green didn’t solve all of my concerns; I still had an issue with all that plastic. I also still didn’t feel like I needed that many cleaning products.

Deciding to start making a few of my own products pretty much solved my concerns. Plus, it’s way cheaper!

(I still purchase what I consider specialty products, like laundry detergent. You have to find the balance that works best for you.) Here is what I like to make:

All-Purpose Cleaner

I make this all-purpose cleaner and use it for everything. I clean my kitchen and bathroom counters with this. I use it to dust and clean up spills. I can even wipe down the windows and mirrors with this spray. The vinegar even acts as a mild disinfectant.

Cleaning Spray


1 cup water

1 cup white vinegar

8 drops of your favorite essential oil


Mix all ingredients together in a spray bottle. Add more or less oil depending on your smell preference. The vinegar smell may take a minute to get used to, but with the essential oils it’s actually refreshing.

Kitchen & Bathroom Scrub

Sometimes you need something a little stronger than a spray. To clean the stovetop or bathroom grout, you may want something that has a bit more of a scrubbing texture. That’s when you need baking soda!

Essential Oils


1 cup baking soda

¼ cup crushed herbs (such as rosemary or thyme) or a few drops of essential oils (1 / 2 / 3 / 4)

Vinegar (optional)


Mix the baking soda and herbs/essential oil together in a small bowl. Keep this mixture in a small jar.

To Use

Sprinkle a tablespoon or so of the mixture on the surface you’d like to clean. Slowly add water or vinegar to make a [fizzy] paste. Scrub the surface with the paste and then wipe clean with a damp cleaning cloth.

Linen Spray

I use this lavender linen spray on my sheets before I go to bed. The scent is so relaxing! I also use this spray in my closet to help keep away moths (if moths are a concern, consider adding some cedar oil for additional protection).

Linen Spray


2 Tablespoons vodka

6 Tablespoons of water

10 Drops of essential oil


Mix all ingredients together in a small spray bottle. Add more or less oil depending on your smell preference.


It’s really easy to make your own cleaning products, and it can actually save you some money in the long run. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to test a few of these recipes out.


Comment below if you already make your own cleaning products, I’d love to hear about your favorite recipes!



Cleaning Spray

The post Green Cleaning (with Recipes!) first appeared on An Olive a Day

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