This and That

Cleaning Spray

Green Cleaning (with Recipes!)

I started making my own cleaning products for a variety of reasons. It was a few years ago, I was in a tiny apartment in New York, and I had bottles and bottles of cleaning supplies. I had the spray for the shower, the toilet, the kitchen counter, and the all-purpose spray. I wasn’t able…

Cozy on the Couch

Loungewear Favorites

It’s that time of year where we all want to get cozy; put on some comfy PJs, make a cup of hot coco, cuddle up in a cozy blanket, and hibernate. Since I’m a huge fan of being cozy (who isn’t, right?), I decided to share some of my loungewear favorites. One: My newest purchase….

Morning Routine Checklist

My Morning Routine

I am not a morning person; I’ve always struggled when I’ve had to wake up early. I much prefer to stay up late and it’s so hard to force myself to get in bed! After watching a few inspiring youtube videos and reading The Miracle Morning, I’ve been trying to get into a better morning…